I’ve been coding professionally since the 1970’s. I work for a Fortune 50 international enterprise and am one of the highest paid software engineers / developers in America, easily in the top 1%. And I’m a business owner and entrepreneur.
This article is spot-on. I like the way Jonathan writes and his insight it exactly on target. Over the 40 years that I have been coding, I’ve seen exactly the kind of people Jonathan describes. Even been in many of these situations myself. I overcame them because I love coding. I love technology. I love problem solving and I do get giddy when I solve a problem or I find a one-line solution on StackOverflow that someone else figured out better than I did.
For all of you whiners with nothing better to do than complain about writing style, grow up. Jonathan’s insights are exactly the kind of people I don’t want on my team. Not because they are bad people, but because like anything else in life, if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, you really shouldn’t be doing it.
And I completely agree with the bonus point. Programmers do make good business people for all of the above reasons Jonathan quoted about programmers in general. Look at some of the biggest tech firms in America and around the world, Microsoft, Amazon, Paypal, eBay, Facebook, et. al., ALL of them started by <gasp> programmers!